You'll find here all the info about S3D equipement: tests, links…
This list is not exhaustive, but wants to become so - so do not hesitate to update all the equiepment we forgot.
The equipement description should follow this format:
1) Technical specifications (objective datas)
2) Test (subjective opinion)
3) Where to find it (for sale/for rent)
Tools that hold two cameras to shoot in 3D.
Binocle Brigger
Stereotec Side-by-Side Maxi
Stereotec Side-by-side Mini
3D Film Factory 3D-BS Pro 3eality Digital TS-2
Binocle Brigger
Element Technica Quasar
Pace Fusion
P+S Technik 3D-Rig
Stereotec 3D Live rig
Verduci Lucicae
External Tri-level Synch Boxes; to synchronize the scanning of the cameras
3D-One CP31
Panasonic AG-3DA1
Fuji REAL 3D W1
[] - a dutch website with some intersting equipement
Aladdin 3D
Frameforge Previz Studio 3 for PC & Mac
Frameforge Stereo Player for Pc & Mac
The Complete Interactive Course, for PC & Mac
Nvidia Player, for PC
RealD Stereo Calculator, for Iphone and Ipad
Stereotec Stereoscopic Calculator for PC and Mac
Stereo Player for PC
3D MovieMaking, Digital Stereoscopic Cinema from Script to Screen
Binocle Disparity Killer
Pace (proprietary technology)
3eality Digital (proprietary technology)
Stereolabs PURE(proprietary technology)
Dashwood Stereo 3D Toolbox for Final Cut